

'Come like all-flooding rain, come in me and stop

the thought of separation with ome drop of this shower!

Without You, the Lord of this creation, I am dry in this world.

When Your clouds come and shower with rain, everything gets green.

With His grace make this shower come so that he who is touched by it

will become fresh and green through it.'

Whenever Satsang is held, there one can get this water.

                                         Surinder Kaur



Satsang - a spiritual school

It is a school where you are not only taught but are given a demonstration of the God within you. If you want to become educated in a particular subject, you have to go to a school or college where that subject is taught. If you want to learn about your physical body, how it is retarded and how it can be renewed, you have to go to a school where the subject of how to have sound health is taught. If you want to engineering, you will have to go to a school where there is some engineer to teach you. So Satsang is a school where "how to meet God" is taught. Satsang is a school where somebody sis sitting who knows God, who sees God and who is competent to give others some demonstration of the God within them, some capital to start with. The word "Satsang" means actually uniting the soul with the all pervading, all existing God.

"Sat" means "eternal" - which never falls away in dissolution or grand dissolution. That is God himself. God does not die. And "Sang" means "to come in contact with it". Who has to come in contact with that God-into-expression-power (Naam)? That is our soul.       Sant Kirpal Singh


Two kinds of Satsang

The first Satsang you get inside – first class. Another Satsang is coming in contact with suchlike people who have got first-hand contact with God. What do you want? That's the point. Do you want God? Or do you want worldly things? This is to be decided. If you have got true desire, yearning, to know God, then God will make arrangement to bring you in contact somewhere where He is manifest, where He is the mouthpiece of God, and He will enable you to contact God who is within your own self already.


So your purpose of coming to Satsang is to imbibe the love of God, to sit in His sweet remembrance, to unite with Him. All things, past and future, all irrelevant matters can be dealt within your own place of residence. Come, but come with the very best of intentions. Bring the remembrance of the Lord with you, and take it with you when you leave.

Sant Kirpal Singh


"Where more than two sit in my name - there I am"

Christ also said, "where more than two sit in my name – there I am." Master says that it is beyond praise when people sit in His sweet remembrance. You cannot praise enough a place, where people sit in His name, where they decide about their future, where people decide about their work: to live for others, to forget their old problems and surrender them to the Masterpower. You are given back a heritage here, that had been lost. You regain it. By coming to the Satsang you get everything, provided you detach consciously from the world. You get a boost, a conscious boost in life, that will help you to develop in the worldly way as well as in the spiritual way.

Dr. Harbhajan Singh


For informations where and when Satsangs can be visited feel free to contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


"What is called "Satsang"? "Sat" means "eternal" – which never falls away in dissolution or grand dissolution. That is God Himself. God does not die. And "Sang" means "to come in contact with It". So, who has to come in contact with that God-into-expression-Power? That is our own soul. That cannot be contacted by outgoing faculties or mind or intellect. So it is we who have to contact God – not the Absolute, but the God-into-expression-Power. That is the Creator of all the world over – all universes. That Power is controlling all this creation – and also controls us in the body."


Satsang works as a hedge against lots of negative factors. You have to save your flower and fruit (that Master has implanted in you). For this purpose one must wait till the weekend to meet together. When you sit together, lots of problems are automatically off. Christ also said, "Where more than two sit in my name – there am I." Master says that it is beyond praise when people sit in His sweet remembrance. You cannot praise enough a place, where people sit in His name, where they decide about their future, where people decide about their work: to live for others, to forget their old problems and surrender them to the Masterpower. You are given back a heritage here, that had been lost.

Satsang is the preparation for ourselves, afterwards Master lets us start the journey of His Naam, which means that He gives us the contact with His Naam and then takes us back home.

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