Blessed are those who meditate for the love of God.
Dr Harbhajan Singh
Nowadays, meditation is done like breakfast is taken. Some people meditate to fulfill their wishes, some meditate for peace of mind. Some people meditate to gain riches in the world, name and fame. Some people do it only for the building of the body, to get rid of the diseases. Some people make a show of their meditation, there are mesmerism, spiritism, spiritualism, there are hundreds of branches out of it and they have nothing to do with spirituality on the contrary they are dangerous traps for the soul. Some meditate to acquire supernatural powers, some meditate to influence others, and some people meditate for salvation. With these aims, however, one stays on the level of mind and cannot reach the plane of consciousness. There are thousand ways of meditation, which will not take us anywhere.
Better not to meditate than to meditate in the wrong way
To meditate only with the help of mind, to meditate to fulfill wishes, is a death trap for the soul. The astral plane is fully controlled by the negative power, and is open for everybody. The experiences given by the self-styled “masters” are merely astral experiences. If you want to go to the astral plane, you do not even need a master, because mind itself will take you there. In any way you will come there into the clutch of the negative power, you will lose your free will, your consciousness and discrimination power, and you will be further bound in the net of transmigration.
So it is of great importance to find out what is that meditation, which will transcend us above the body consciousness and take us back to home eternal. Which is that meditation, which provides us the water of Life and bread of Life?
The subject meditation is directly connected with the purpose of human life, the development of the consciousness – the soul or spirit in man. The highest aim of life is self-realization and God-realization. But who meditates out of yearning and love for God?