Children and education

In fact, the real aim of education is to develop the character and individuality of a pupil, his mind, will and soul power.
The best education is that which teaches us that the end of knowledge is service.

This "service" is another name for love and fellowship, which constitute the very essence of personal and social life. Love and fellowship bring with them peace, gentleness and humility, – basic values of life whose significance has been repeatedly stressed by the sages and prophets of India and the world. To nurture these values, to practice them, and to adopt them wholeheartedly in life, is what is known as Spirituality…

Sant Kirpal Singh


Modern education is largely egocentric

Modern education is largely egocentric and makes men spiritually and socially incompetent; and they enter life with a view to gaining money on earth and applause for their own personal enjoyment, forgetting that true happiness begins only when one goes out of one's own little self – the ego – and seeks the larger Self…


The chief malady of current education is that it results in the disassociation of heart and head.

It lays emphasis on the development of head, and does sharpen the intellect to some extent. But more essential is the liberation of the heart. That will be done when the reason is awakened in sympathy for the poor, the weak and the needy. Sacrifice grows out of the heart, so the heart is required to be unfolded.


The youth should:

1. strive after the ideal of sacrifice and not emotions

2. be simple, for simplicity is strength

3. learn to cooperate with all, and not let differences in creed or political opinions stand in the way of solidarity

4. accept the creative ideal, which regards humanity as one and service as the end of all knowledge.

Teachers should train students in the spirit of sympathy and love, blending information with inspiration and knowledge with love. One may pass university examinations and yet remain ignorant of the realities of life. He may have read a thousand books, yet be no better than a boor. But true education will make him truly cultured; and the soul of culture is courtesy. Scholarship may be proud; culture is humble.

Sant Kirpal Singh


Excerpts from letters by Sant Kirpal Singh

The raising of children is a virtuous duty. The young ones imitate their parents, who should reflect peace, harmony, and sobriety by leading a disciplined life full of spiritual beatitude. The assertive attitude of (your son) shows the greatness of his soul. Self assertion is the innate attribute of soul which is all divine in miniature scale.
This kind sentiment is mostly predominant in promising personalities who inherit congenial environments most helpful for their spiritual progress. You need not worry over his learning late about dressing or talking. So far as his demands are concerned, these should as far as possible be met with lovingly , so far as these are legitimate and within the scope of his raising. The young sentiments should not in any way be injured. It is the unbounded love of the parents for the children which makes them bold, brave and adventurous in their lives. You must be an affectionate and bravely stern mother so far as your love and discipline is concerned toward your children.  

"The best education is that which teaches us that the end of knowledge is service.

This "service" is another name for love and fellowship, which constitute the very essence of personal and social life. Love and fellowship bring with them peace, gentle­ness and humility, – basic values of life whose significance has been repeatedly stressed by the sages and prophets of India and the world."

A talk given by Sant Kirpal Singh at the inauguration of the Manav-Kendra Education Scheme, June 21, 1972


You have children, therefore it is your duty to teach them. But you cannot teach them alone with money or good clothes; you cannot teach them by giving lot of love from you. In fact the children are more conscious than we are. So it is not a matter to teach them, it is a matter how we live. What do the children want from us? They want us to be very pure in thoughts, words and actions.

When a child is born it is already in contact with the Reality (in the womb it is constantly connected with Light and Sound — Shabd, Naam or Word). And it wants to get that back (in life) in order to go home. While it was in the womb of the mother it made the promise (to the God Power) to go back.

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