Sweet remembrance

”By remembering and remembering we become one with Him.”

Remembrance is the greatest and potent factor in human life. Whatever you remember you become a picture of that power. Where your attention is there you must dwell. If your attention is with the high power that is within us, you certainly have to dwell there.

Remembrance is remembrance when? When you remember all the times – while eating, while sleeping, while talking. Simply you have to rise above your thoughts. If your thoughts become thoughtless that does not interfere with your work. All that you do, you do it above your thoughts, above the level of the body and your condition becomes like Him. It is said, ”You reside in the heart of someone and let Him reside in your heart.” So there is a constant vibration. If you remember Him, He will remember you.

Remembrance is the greatest commandment by all competent Masters. Remembrance does not come without affection, without self-surrender, without devotion, without living with the higher values of life. Otherwise we forget it. Life should be such that there is a continuous flow of remembrance and you dwell there.

For love, for home going, remembrance is a must and with remembrance you definitely will get radiation when you continuously remember that power that is within us.


Harbhajan Singh

By Sant Kirpal Singh, from the book "Spirituality – what it is", chapter 3

Remembrance of God is the main thing before us to find the way back to Him. The purpose of all devotional exercises, places of worship and pilgrimages is the same. The human body is the veritable temple of God.


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