What is there in that vast universe (of the three worlds) which Brahman would not likde to offer to these earnest souls who try to excape thorugh his domains and reach the True Home of their Father! At every step, be it in the physical world, the astral or the mental, he tries to block the way of the aspiring souls.
Sant Kirpal Singh
Knowing oneself and knowing God is what is called, strictly speaking, Spirituality - what things help us to know ourselves, what things are not helping factors, and how we can analyze ourselves from the outgoing faculties and intellect - it is a practical subject. This is truly called Spirituality.
There are other side issues. Spirituality is no spiritualism, no spiritism, no hypnotism, and no mesmerism. These are side issues.
Spiritualism means just to come in contact with those souls who have left the body. Spiritism is just a contact with the souls that are earth-bound. Hypnotism is just to influence somebody to think some way. And mesmerism also brings us under the influence of somebody: we are not left to our own free will. So these are side issues. Strictly speaking, they do not help us. They may help us to a certain extent; but, truly speaking, they are not Spirituality.
The aim of spiritualism is to have contacts with the souls that have left the body. First of all, those souls can only help you to the extent they had developed themselves while they were on earth. If I go out of this hall, I am the same as I was here, inside. At the time of leaving the body, we are what we have developed in the man-body. By leaving the body we cannot become gods. So, after all, if they are to guide us, they will be able to guide us only up to the extent to which they have developed.
And you'll find that to contact them is still a very difficult matter. In the physical body you can meet someone, question him, and clarify your doubts. You can be given some experience; and face-to-face you will have something directly. So it is even very difficult to contact these souls. If you contact them through mediums, you'll only get knowledge up to the extent that they have already gained it. And also, through mediums you do not see those souls. Somebody might act and pose, because you cannot see them. Acting and posing sometimes does not give us very correct information. You'll find that the statements of those who are in contact with those souls who have left the body sometimes turn out to be true and at other times not true.
So, our purpose is not spiritualism; that's a side issue. Of course, you can use side issues; but strictly speaking, we have to go to the highest plane -- to be one with God. And that can only be reached if we can analyze ourselves from mind and the outgoing faculties and "learn to die so that we may begin to live."
Sant Kirpal Singh
Mind is the king in the body, mind is the king in the physical, astral, and causal world. Gods, goddesses, angles, and avataras became prey to the mind and could not get rid of the tentacles of the mind – attachment, lust, ego, everything is still there. Everything is there – whatever exists here in the physical form, that is also there in the astral and accordingly above it in the causal plane.
Question: Can angles or avataras help us?
Sant Kirpal Singh: Angels? Angls worship whom? He who has appointed them as angls: God. Then if you worship God, where is the fear of the angls? You need no help from the angls when you look to the King.
Question: Is the nature of angls positive or negative?
Sant Kirpal Singh: Even the avataras (the incarnations of the negative power, who got the duty to upheld justice) are under the law of cause and effect. Incarnations, what to speak of angles!
Question: Can an angel reincarnate as a man or not?
Sant Kirpal Singh: Yes. If they are to go back to God, they must take the form of man. There is no other way back to God.
To meditate without competent guidance, to perform yoga practices and to go into the chakras and use the Kundalini-power means to get lost in the astral and causal plane
Those who stress at the place between and behind the eye-brows and try to meditate by themselves, or practice various yogas, go into the chakras and enter into the astral plane. The chakras are controlled by astral forces that reveal themselves as gods and goddesses or angles. They are not conscious and of no help to man since they do not know the Father. They are of no use. They can only fulfil your wishes.
Many people go down into the body, their Kundalini-power opens and, coming from the spine, it rises from behind to the top of the head. The light and sound one experiences there is negative, it has nothing to do with the experience given by a competent Master. Harbhajan Singh
The Masters teach that there are seven planes – The physical plane, the astral, the causal, the supercausal,
Sach Khand, Alakh and Agam. And above all the cosmos, there is the eight plane, Anami.
To cross the mental worlds is not so easy as it may seem to the untrained in the mysteries of the Beyond. It is the most delusive world where even the Mahatmas and the Rishis with all their learning and tapas fail to hold on their own ground. The ascent of the soul to the higher regions is impossible unless One is ushered into those planes.
"Knowing oneself and knowing God is what is called, strictly speaking, Spirituality. What things help us to know ourselves, what things are not helping factors, and how we can analyze ourselves from the outgoing faculties and intellect is a practical subject. This is truly called Spirituality. There are other side issues. Spirituality is no spiritualism, no spiritism, no hypnotism, and no mesmerism."