Light and Sound

God was One - when He wished to be many, there was vibration, and this vibration resulted in two aspects: Light and Sound.

These two principles proceed from the Absolute Lord and are the way back to Him, the path that Masters have taught through practical and scientific experience. You will find symbols of Light and Sound in most of the religious places, and they represent the true Light and Sound of God which already exist within the man-body.

The inner Sound principle is All-Conscious and too subtle for the ears, the tongue and the pen. It is an unwritten law and an unspoken language. It is self-existing, self-sustaining and self-supporting and yet is the very life of all that exists both in the animate and inanimate creation. But it can be realized in the deepest depth of the soul, for the two are the same essence, the soul being but a drop of the Ocean of All-consciousness.

Sant Kirpal Singh


One constant principle links all planes

The Masters teach that the one constant principle that links all these planes from pure spirit to gross matter is the principle of the flaming sound or the sounding flame.

The Word or Shabd as it descends downward assumes a varying density of spirituo-material forces. Mystics speak of the purple light and the light of the noonday or setting sun, and refer to the sounds of flutes, harps, violins, conches, thunder, bells, running water, etc., but though manifesting differently at different levels the Shabd yet remains constant in Itself.

As a river springing from the snowy peak of a towering mountain flows toward the sea, it undergoes many changes of setting, shape, motion and appearance, and yet its waters remain the same.

If one could discover this audible life-stream within oneself, if one could discover its lower reaches, one could use it as a pathway leading inevitably to its source. The currents might at certain points enter gorges and rapids, but nevertheless they are the surest way on the upward journey. Be a range howsoever unscalable, the waters will have cut a pass and carved a passage, and he who will avail himself of their guidance would never fail to find a way.

And since this Naam or Wordcurrent springs from the Anaam or the Wordless, he who holds firmly to It will inevitably reach the starting point, transcending plane after plane of varying relativity until he arrives at the very source of name and form; thence to merge into That which has no name or form.

Sant Kirpal Singh


Question: Does the disciple see God in his meditation?

Sant Kirpal Singh: Nobody can ever see God-Absolute. God-in-expression called Word or Naam manifests in the form of Light and Sound Principle which can be seen and heard with the inner eyes and inner ears with the help and grace of a competent Master. He has a two-fold function; one that of Kal and the other that of Dayal. Mohammedans designate these by the words Shaitan and Rehman, while Zoroastrians use the term Aharman and Harmuzd. These may be called the negative and the positive powers, both aspects of the One Great and Undivided God.

The negative power, Kal, Shaitan, Aharman, represents the power that is going into expression, bringing all creation into being, and the other, Dayal, Rahman and Harmuzd (the Positive Power) represents the power of inversion, bringing the soul back to its source. These then are the centrifugal and centripetal powers working in all creation.

Mind is an agent of the negative power and always brings one into the outer world. On the other hand, the contact with the Divine Word within leads the soul back to God which is wordless or absolute. Though mind is activated by the soul, yet it has come to dominate it. Again, mind is further controlled by the senses or the outside faculties which in turn drag us into the field of sensual pleasures born out of attachments to sense objects without. Master tells us how to withdraw the soul current by means of concentration at the centre of our being and grants us contact with the Divine Word which is within and which is the way to God. Negative power keeps in control the creation in expression or manifestation. But once the soul comes in contact with the Divine Word, it is liberated from the bondage of mind and matter with the help and grace of the Master, and is freed from the grip of the negative power.


"The soul says, “O God, Your attention reaches far and wide, everywhere. Millions of souls are longing for Your blessing – they are standing at Your door to get Your Naam. But You give Naam only to those who love God from the core of their heart."

All the disciple needs he can get just by surrendering fully at the feet of the Master. When the disciple surrenders to Him, Master is happy, for He sees: “My child who was sent into the world with many promises and got lost in the fair of the world, has now returned to me.” Then, full of joy, the Masterpower takes the child to the place where His work is done so that the child may get further lessons. That is called Satsang. Through His word and blessing He dyes the soul in His own colour so that it may never leave Him again, for Master wants to keep His child close to Him. The soul then knows, “My Father is highest in the whole universe, no one is equal to Him!”

In the world there are two things that serve as guides to a weary traveller on a lonesome journey in a pitch dark night; to wit, Sound and Light. These are the two aids also on the Path of Spirituality. Each of them has its own purpose.We have the divine Light in us and from within it emanates Sound, and the two together have been described  as FlamingSound or Sounding Flame.

All life and all power come from it. From the sun to the candle flame, all light comes from this grand powerhouse. The energy of the scientist and the pranas of the yogins are butmanifestations of this life-stream which, like electricity in the air, is all-pervading and allpowerful.

Those who have mastered the Surat Shabd Yoga, or the yoga of the clestical Sound Current, teach that the Absolute, though free of attributes in Its primal state, projects itself into form and assumes two primary attributes: Light and Sound. It is no mere accident, they point out, that in the revelatory literature of all major religions there are frequent references to the "Word" which occupies a central position in their pattern.

From the book "The crown of life", written by Sant Kirpal Singh

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