In the Gurmukh's company this game of life can be won, and the winner returns to his home. Those who unfortunately never meet the Gurmukh, continue round and round the everlasting circle of births and deaths.         Kirpal Singh

At the time of initiation Master burns the old karmas with the fire of the Word and makes the disciple free from the old, old reactions and further draws the line for the future. In Golden Age many concessions are withdrawn, and the disciple has to be very conscious. If one creates an action (not positive), he is at once bound with the reaction, and with the reaction one is bound with the past and future again. Though there is a concession with the one who lives and does for Him, still he has to bear it either on his own physical body, mind, or on the environments of home and home-affairs, in accordance with the nature of action.


The habits and mode of life of people differ from one to another in accordance with the Pralabdh Karma. Sometimes they have to weep or get emotional, or feel happy and joyful. This is the disturbed condition of their lives and not more than their feelings and emotions. The past, present and future of the Conscious Co-worker of the Divine Plan are fixed, predestined and dissolved in the grand wish of his Master, and he has no feeling of any of the three.


You can burn the karma, but from where do you bring the fire? Your own fire at your disposal has already solidified those karmas, which are lying heavily in your way leading to the consciousness. The fire you need has all qualities to burn them and blow them off and away. The Gurmukh has actionless deeds and transcends through narrow and broad ways consciously.
Action and reaction is the belief of ignorant people. The Gurmukh takes both of them and buries them back to the source from where they originate. Noble and positive thoughts of the Gurmukh bear full consciousness and are not affected by the mind and matter of the three worlds and thus bear no reaction. The action merges into action, and the result becomes actionless and one resides in the equipoise stage of his life. The reaction of hatred and enmity sometimes prevails in the world like a wild fire. This is the reaction of that what we are not doing in the righteous way. The Gurmukh is the source of forethoughts in overcoming such problems beforehand.


Everything is predestined according to the reactions of the past. The whole world is in the tight grip of this effect. This is the greatest misery, yet the greatest possibility.
In miseries man does not know how to open the knot and how to be free of it. If really one wishes to know, the Conscious Co-worker can help to overcome inextricable problems.


The Gurmukh does not believe in the fate, rather he believes in his Master who changes the fate of man. What is written is supposed to happen, but with the bliss of his Master it may or may not happen. The man is blessed to decide for the higher cause of life that appears beyond the fate, and he who knows the secret of fate decides for the higher opportunity.


When one crosses the barrier of the causal region, present, past and future disappear at once and from there one sees the cause and effect of the world. He who sees this phenomenon is a Gurmukh and will not be affected by the illusionary views and beauty of the three worlds. His Master blesses him with a drop of higher consciousness.


Since by the Grace of his Master he has seen the reaction through the physical action, he is very prompt and accurate in his actions, and his Master has not to bear the consequence of any misdoings. Thus the Mission becomes very harmonious. The phenomenon of His Grace is then felt by many people in the world, and many people become receptive to have His Grace.


Only the Conscious Co-worker of the Divine Plan is blessed further with higher consciousness, since he is prompt, free and buoyant to proceed further. Past, future and present are buried under his feet, and the effect of the three worlds is not felt by him.


He does not taste anything, but would like to know the effect of that taste and would consume that thing only according to its right use.


By the Grace of the Master he knows beforehand the bad or good effect of any happening, and so he would remain aloof and rise above the poisonous effect of the atmosphere. But whenever he enters into such an effect, there he would bring a healthy atmosphere because of his higher and pious living.


He has to be very practical and particular in his daily doings. He keeps his life crystal clear and keeps himself above the effect of give and take. His life is totally distinguished for giving something to others and never for receiving anything for himself.


The Gurmukh must bear the reaction of any action immediately – mentally, physically or financially, but he is never affected by the so-called reactions. So he does only that what reacts positively. His advise to others to be positive satisfies his Master.


He who does good but binds himself with good, is to unbind himself. Even Master would not help him, because to yearn is not easy for him, since he sees the fruit of good result and would like to relish it again. By the Grace of his Master the Gurmukh is helped and graced to witness such happenings.
When one does not accept the beginning, one has to see the end and come back to the beginning again. This cycle may go again and again, but the soul of the disciple remains in the fire like the iron in the fire of the iron-smith who finally gives it the desired shape.


The Gurmukh is a perfect man in worldly dealings. Neither he keeps the burden of give and take on his head nor he believes in sowing fresh seeds. He is a man of word and does according to his word.


Killing is negative or to take the meat is negative. What is negative is to be repaid. One is bound with justice and not with forgiveness. When one becomes conscious he sees this phenomenon that the killer is killed by the killed and so on. There the Justice has no link with the repentance, only the repentance finds its due place in forgiveness. There no-one says, "Commit no  more sin." The human body is the golden opportunity to live and do consciously.


On whom the sin is created, their sighs have great powers to consume the virtues of the sinner. Affected with the sin done upon animals, one goes into transmigration. Those who eat the animal, assume the form of the animal. This is the reaction from those animals, birds etc. who are dependent upon your mercy. Kabir says: "When the bellows from the skin of the animal can turn the iron into red-hot, what would their sighs do for the killer?"

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